16 year old Nigerian wizkid becomes first black student to build a nuclear fusor

Nigerian teenager, Steven Udotong, has invented a nuclear energy fusor, making him the first black student to attain such feat.A fusor is a device that uses an electric field to heat ions to suitable condition for nuclear fusion. The machine generates an electric potential difference between two metal cages inside a vacuum.Udotong, a 16-year-old high school junior in Southern New Jersey has expressed hope that his invention would inspire a cleaner, more environmentally-friendly future for all. To achieve the feat, he created a GoFundMe page to raise $1,500 for supplies, a goal he achieved in just one month. What triggered the invention? Well, this is what he has to say:“I grew curious after we flew by the topic of nuclear energy in my chemistry class last year. I decided to do more research and I soon learned that I could actually make a nuclear fusor. That sparked my interest. I want people to know that there are alternate methods for obtaining power and energy. I want to examine more clean energy products and stop the fear of the word ‘nuclear,’”Udotong’s older brother, Emmanuel, is a computer science student at Princeton University and in support of his younger sibling quips:“Nuclear energy is a lot safer than people think.”This past summer, Steven was accepted into Yale Young Global Scholar Program, which allowed him to pursue the engineering workshop at the Singapore campus. He was one of three students from New Jersey to attend the workshop. He says he realized he could be the first black student to build a nuclear reactor:“I was motivated because I knew that there were many other ways for minorities to pursue success. Sports and music were not the only avenues for us. There’s room for us. There’s a need for us to participate in academia, business, art, law, medicine, and yes, nuclear energy. I hope this project will become an example of academic excellence as vehicle of accomplishment for black students.”The first part of Udotong’s invention was done but he still needed to raise money to complete it. He adds that when he was done with that, he planned to enter it in science fairs and competitions for a chance to pursue scholarship opportunities. His ultimate goal, he says, is to start a conversation on state and federal level, about more serious action toward adopting alternative energy sources.


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