African Warrior Magazine 2024 Graduation Shout Out.
Did a Friend or Loved One Graduate in 2024?
“You have brought joy to our lives from the moment you were born. You have made me a proud father and a role model for your younger siblings. As you begin college, we trust you life t God and encourage you to always act with integrity. We have faith in your abilities. “
From Dad, Mom, Zoe, Coach Kim and Akil
“My daughter, it has been a fun ride. A new road starts for you and I am proud of the young woman you are becoming. May God continue to light your path and make your aspirations a reality. Your family loves you so much.”
Mom Kellen, Richard, uncles, aunts, cousins and friends
“Austin, we couldn’t be more proud of the hard work you have put into achieving this milestone. You are completing 8th grade and, while at it, have earned a scholarship for the best essays, good grades, and remarkable behavior. It is an exciting time for you, and we know you are going to succeed in high school.”
Crespi Carmelite Catholic High School here come!”
Love from the Kimani family.
“My dear son, thank you for achieving such an important milestone. The journey to achieving all you had ever dreamed of enters another stage and we are sure you are going to succeed
Like you always hear from mom and dad, in life you get out what you put in. Put a lot of effort in your high School chapter an I promise you the reward will be amazing.”
“Congratulations on your graduation. Thank you for all the hard work you have put into this. Like one wise person said, the future belongs to those tho believe in the beauty of their dreams. You can now dream because you have what it takes. I am so proud of you and God guide your next chapter.”
‘Congratulatio on your milestone. I am so proud of you and I thank God for the many opportunities that are ahead of you. Like I said to your sister, the future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of you dreams. Go now and conquer the world. You have what it take”
“Where did time go! It has been a joy to watch you grow and achieve so much in these past four years. You are now on the way to a new chapter which will define the shape of your future. Embrace life with passion and keep reaching for the stratosphere, because it is really the limit, not the sky!”
“Congratulation on this milestone and you have really made all of us so proud. Wishing you all the best in High School and may God bless and protect you in all you set out to achieve.”
Dad, Mom, Naomi, and Ashley