Buying your ticket to Canaan? The surprising amount Kenyans in the Diaspora have contributed for NASA 

The National Super Alliance( NASA) on Friday, September 8 asked Kenyans to contribute funds to their election campaign ahead of the October 17 repeat presidential election.Raila Odinga and Kalonzo, in a press conference, unveiled a pay bill number which Kenyans will send their money and "buy their tickets into Canaan."Kenyans in the Diaspora have so far contributed $18,190( KSh 1,819,000) via GoFundMe account opened by NASA’s diaspora supporters.In 7 days, roughly 160 people raised almost KSh 1.9 million.Back at home, reports indicate that the amount contributed by Kenyans might have reached KSh 100 million.Surprisingly, Moses Kuria, who is in Jubilee, made news after contributing just KSh 5.00 and sharing it on Facebook angering NASA supporters in the process.Kuria then attacked Raila's public criticism of the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC), saying it would not matter whether the Opposition chief put his family to oversee the elections since Jubilee would still win.All leaders, from the Member of County Assembly to the Governors, pledged to support Raila and Kalonzo to make sure they beat President Uhuru Kenyatta in the grand rematch.


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