Disabled Teen Died in Hot Bus as Whittier Bus Driver enjoyed sex with Coworker - Court told

It’s been almost two years since Paul Lee —  a Whittier teen with autism–  was left on a school bus on a sweltering day and later found dead.Whittier bus driver who is serving a two-year prison term for the death of the 19-year-old student with autism, left the boy behind on a bus in the hot sun because he was distracted by an affair with a fellow bus driver, lawyers for the teen's family say.Attorneys for Paul Lee’s family are calling the allegation  a major bombshell: A woman who worked with the bus driver testified she had sex with that bus driver the day the teen died, according to lawyers for the Lee family.“She told the Whittier police that she felt bad because while she and Ramirez were laughing and having sex, Paul Lee was left on the bus and died,” according to a court document.Text message records show Armando Abel Ramirez, 37, was corresponding with another bus driver to arrange to have sex on Sept. 11, 2015, when he failed to ensure all students had exited his bus for school on one of the hottest days of the year, according to laywer Robert Glassman.Sierra Adult School student Hun Joon “Paul” Lee's dead body was found lying in the aisle of the bus hours later, after his mother became worried when he didn't return from school at his usual time.The school told Eun Ha Lee her son had been absent that day, despite the fact that she boarded him on a bus at 8 a.m.Ramirez pleaded guilty this year to a count of felony dependent adult abuse resulting in death, He was sentenced to two years in prison.The “Paul Lee school bus safety law” introduced now requires all school buses in California to be equipped with a child-safety alarm system in the back, which must be turned off by the bus driver, so that all seats are checked.


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