Donald Trump's message to Raila after agreeing to go to court

America’s president Donald Trump has praised NASA flag bearer, Raila Odinga’s for agreeing to go to court to contest President Uhuru Kenyatta’s victory in the just concluded General Election.Trump, delivered his message through the US ambassador to Kenya Robert F. Godec who said the opposition’s move to go to court is highly impressive, because it would give the concerned parties the opportunity to present their case and evidence.Speaking to journalist immediately after the NASA declaration, US ambassador to Kenya Bob Godec said;"I welcome their decision, It's important they can provide evidence to court and I look forward to seeing the process to determine whether the elections were free and fair.’’UN turned down a request to audit Kenya’s just-concluded election.UN spokesman Farhan Haq said the organisation had declined a request by the Nasa leader for the organisation’s review of the August 8 election results.Mr Haq reiterated UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres’ recent statement urging Kenyan political leaders to bring election-related disputes to “the relevant constitutionally mandated institutions”NASA will move to the Supreme Court to seek redress over the 2017 presidential election result.Raila Odinga said they took the decision they had said they wouldn't to give the court a second chance. He said it also followed wide consultation and the current oppression on civil societies."The court can use this chance to redeem itself, or, like in 2013, it can compound the problems we face as a country," he told a press conference at the Okoa Kenya Secretariat in Lavington, Nairobi, on Wednesday.Raila’s declaration to move to court comes just days after he said he would never go to court after Uhuru was declared winner in presidential race.Well, with the new development, NASA now has up to Friday, August 18 to file a petition in court, meaning that Uhuru Kenyatta’s swearing in ceremony will be delayed by two weeks, should he win the court case.


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