Government Critic James Ololo Stabs Wife to Death in Belgium

A well-known Kenyan in Belgium, and a sworn Jubilee party critic, James Ololo, has killed his wife in bizarre circumstances.According to their friend George Morara, James Ololo had an altercation with his wife before stabbing her to death. Here is the Facebook update by Morara breaking the news:"It’s my daughter Mekatilili’s 4th birthday today however I’ll postpone celebrations to another day.I am deeply shocked to learn of the tragic events in Belgium involving my friends James Ololo and Elizabeth. I am at a loss. In the last 4 years they visited us, and we enjoyed their hospitality in their home in Brussels. I last spoke with James just last week and yesterday I was informed that they had some kind of altercation and James stabbed Elizabeth to death.

Elizabeth was a Kenyan woman full of grace and incredible beauty, a mother and a great companion and partner for James. They both had grown children and all seemed to relate very well.I am shocked and numb. My thoughts are with Elizabeth’s family and all the children at the centre of this tragedy. I am struggling to believe the news and while I am thankful for my daughter’s birthday, we will not celebrate as we do normally.Men I want us to sit around the table and reflect together on what kind of anger, what kind of demon possesses a man to kill another human being within the family?! We should make all women in our homes feel safe however horrible and difficult they may be. I don’t really know the inside part of James and Elizabeth’s relationship however they were both very educated and seemed to relate on a very healthy level with lots of humour, warmth and likeness of mind.We must learn to bring all strong emotions under our control. The alternative is a miserable tragic life.I am so upset right now and just can’t believe my friend just killed his so very beautiful partner. We already have enough political tragedy to contend with….devastating…"

Kenyans in the diaspora have stopped sending money back home as much as they used to 


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