Help Wanted: Write for African Warrior Magazine

African Warrior Magazine has a diverse pool of writers. I am enthused by the team and we do our best to bring unique and fresh content to you.  We still have gaps to fill in order to bring to you a wide range of topics and conversationsFor this blog, what we need is someone dedicated to covering breaking and developing news stories - in particular when they occur during the day. I think the job posting has a great description of what we’re looking for.

This is a big part of what we do here. We are frequently one of the first sites to post unique and fresh content about Diaspora experiences by interviewing Kenyans and Africans living abroad; and breaking developing Diaspora news.  At the same time, we seek to feature important news items as happening in Africa.

 A writer who takes control of this journalistic weapon will often be in charge of setting the tone for discussions on this site, a tone that often can permeate the broader media landscape.

A writer who wants to be involved with this aspect of the site will need a flexible schedule, particularly during the workday when news typically breaks. Our goal is to have a post ready to be published very soon after a story breaks. A 300-500 words post can be very effective in starting the discussion. For interviews and feature articles, a 1000-1500 word article will suffice.

Key skills here are a nose for news and the ability to quickly put together a coherent first story.If interested, send an email to


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