India Makes Surprising Move To The Kenyan Woman Who Lied About Racial Attack

A Kenyan lady who had lied she was attacked in India because of her race will be deported Indian authorities say.Uttar Pradesh Police say Maria Burendi, a student at Mahatma Gandhi University, claimed to have been pulled out of a cab in Greater Noida by a group of men and assaulted.Burendi changed her story later and admitted to have lied.The authorities now say that Burendi will be sent immediately back to Kenya because her student’s Visa has expired.According to the Association of African Students in India (AASI) the decision to send her back to Kenya was taken by the Kenyan Embassy."The Kenyan Embassy is angry with Maria Burendi as she lied to them. She will be sent back and a decision to this affect will most likely be taken by Tuesday," Charles Kennedy, vice-president AASI said.The Kenyan Embassy had later decided to withdraw the case even as the AASI sought an apology from the Indian community for using the names of Indians for the assault.


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