Kenyan Man Gets 2.5 Years In Jail For Rape In Sweden

Fayed Mwangi, a Kenyan man and living in Sweden has been sentenced to two-and-a-half years for beating a young man almost to death before violently raping his female friend. His accomplice in the heinous crime, a Liberian, has been sentenced to 3 years in jail.The Freie Zeiten reports that three teenage girls and one male friend met for a party at an apartment in Kista, near Stockholm, citing Solna District Court documents.One of the girls invited a 21-year-old migrant from Liberia, Richelieu Jarara, with whom she was acquainted. It is Jarara who brought Mwangi to the party.Before long, Mwangi and Jarara began sexually harassing the girls. Matters quickly escalated from there, with the pair conferring briefly before spraying their friend in the face with pepper spray.The Freie Zeiten describes how they then beat and kicked the man with “brutal force”, leaving him with “multiple cerebral haemorrhages, severe swelling and bruises all over his body, as well as bone fractures and open wounds”.The three girls, as well as the attackers, thought the young man had been beaten to death, with Jarara actually uploading a video to Snapchat in which he made light of having “killed a guy”.He was, in fact, still alive, but unconscious and permanently brain damaged.The 19-year-old Mwangi, is said to have “strangled” one of the girls when she tried to intervene, slamming her into a wall and “hurling” her to the floor.Mwangi is believed to have then grabbed another of the girls by the hair, dragged her into the bedroom and raped her while threatening to strike her if she screamed.The ordeal was finally brought to an end when a neighbour burst into the apartment, allowing the girls to flee.According to the Fria Tider, the court sentenced Mwangi to just two-and-a-half years for his crimes, despite his having raped another woman in May 2016.It is believed the government will most likely deport him after the conclusion of his jail term.Jarara, who has a string of previous convictions for crimes including theft, serious bodily injury, and resisting arrest, was given a slightly longer sentence – three years – but he will not be deported. 


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