Lilian Muli forced to answer the number of men she has been with on TV 

Members of parliament are pressing hard that the salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC) recommendations be quashed on top of that, they want their girlfriends and other wives be granted state cover.Budalangi Member of parliament Rafael Wanjala appeared on Citizen TV for an interview to defend the move and in the process, ended up dragging his interviewer Lilian Muli in the murky discussion that has annoyed Kenyans.Wanjala some how managed to dodge Muli's questions, dragged her in a corner and almost made the interview based polygamy become about her.Things got juicy when Lillian Muli asked the Mheshimiwa how many wives he has and twisted the question back to the interviewer putting Lillian in a tight spot because she had to answer how many husbands she has and she quickly responded that she has one husband.He also told Muli that if she was in a club, she belonged to the men there adding that many men are pretending to have one wife while in real sense they have several.“In the 10th Parliament, this House was covering our many wives and the children of these women and girlfriends. This cover must be brought back,” Mr Wanjala, who served as an MP for 10 years,  said in parliament while pushing the reforms. Muli has been in only one divorce but has been rumoured to date several guys so far who also in media.Watch the interview below:


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