The Message Uhuru Had For Kenyans In The Diaspora

On 11th May 2017, President Uhuru Kenyatta held a meeting with the Kenyan Diaspora representatives in The United Kingdom.  In his address, the President informed that he was looking forward to meeting with all Kenyans living in UK during the visit.However, the time which had been allocated had been taken up by another unforeseen session of the Somalia Conference and related side events. He requested the Diaspora representatives to convey his apologies to other Kenyans.The President emphasized that the Kenya Government values and treasures the contribution by the Kenyan Diaspora in national development. He said that apart from the economic capital provided by the Diaspora through remittance, they possess a wealth of experience and know-how in every possible discipline of business and enterprise that needs to be harnessed for the country’s development.In this regard, he singled out the creation of the Diaspora department and development of the Diaspora policy which seeks to formalize and enhance engagement with the Diaspora for national development. The Head of State further informed that the Government has provided the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) with necessary budgetary provisions and was looking forward to a peaceful, free and fair election.The President reiterated that the country would have hoped that all Kenyans in the Diaspora vote in the General elections but due to tight timeliness and logistics involved IEBC had informed that only Kenyans in Burundi, Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda and South Africa would participate in the elections.He, however, stated that the Diaspora could still play a very significant role in ensuring that citizens back home choose the right leaders and by making sure that there is national cohesion.The President further informed that the Delegation is in London to participate in the London Somalia Conference considering the critical role Kenya is playing in the restoration of peace in Somalia and the sub-region.The Head of state was accompanied by Hon. Amina Mohamed, Cabinet Secretary for Foreign Affairs; Hon. Charles Keter, Cabinet Secretary for Energy and Petroleum; Hon. Amb. Raychelle Omamo, Cabinet Secretary for Defence; Hon. Prof. Githu Muigai, The Attorney General; and Mr. Andrew Kamau, the Principal Secretary in the State Department of Petroleum and other senior Government officials.


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