Mixed reactions as Kenyan gay couple exchange vows

Two gay love birds have caused a stir on social media after they exchanged their marriage vows in a private ceremony.The couple identified as Dennis Cindano commonly known as Hotneyy Khan and Walter Ambani Shiyundi also known as De Love exchanged their vows on Wednesday, December 27.According to a Facebook post, one of the couple, De Love, has been described as an outgoing person. He has transversed different parts of the country and neighboring regions in quest of finding love. He seemed to have found one when he eventually tied the knot with Hotneyy Khan who has been identified as a priest from Runyenjes in Embu.The nuptials in their casual outfits shared passionate moments after exchanging their vows. They went ahead and shared what appeared to be a basic cake to mark their union. Despite gay marriages becoming common in Kenya, the love bird's were met with overt hatred for lacking morals.A section of netizens however defended the couple claiming everyone has a right to decide what they want to do with their lives."Everyone has a right to decide his own destiny, make choices, and be ready to absorb and accept the outcomes of his decisions. No one has a right to judge on matters of faith and religion. You are as right as you think you are, at least according to what you value and treasure" said Nyaga Francisco.


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