Raila: Election is more important, If we delay exams by two weeks, children will not die

The National Super Alliance (NASA) now says it will not take part in the October 17th fresh election called by the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC), since it was not consulted.NASA principals Raila Odinga, Kalonzo Musyoka and Moses Wetang’ula, speaking at Wilson Airport before leaving for Kisii for campaign, the three accused IEBC for making their move after Fred Matiang’i's instructions and not bothering to ask them.NASA is demanding changes in the IEBC secretariat before a rerun can be conducted, saying they cannot trust the Ezra Chiloba-led team after it was indicted by the Supreme Court for conducting illegalities and irregularities especially with regard to transmission of presidential election results following the August 8 electoral contest.“We are not ready to participate in elections with the same people who messed us up. It is akin to leaving your sheep to be watched over by hyenas,” NASA presidential candidate Raila Odinga said.Odinga also said that the most important thing was the election and Miating'i should stop using the school calendar as an excuses.“In any case, the children will be proceeding on holiday. If we delay the exams by two weeks, they will not die,” he said.Raila stated that there are still many issues that remain unresolved and should be addressed before the commission is allowed to conduct fresh polls and wants the elections pushed to October 24.


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