Raila finally takes oath but without Kalonzo, Wetangula and Mudavadi 

National Super Alliance (NASA) leader Raila Odinga on Tuesday, January 30 was sworn in as the People's President at Uhuru Park in a rather dis-organised event that lacked his NASA co-principles.Kalonzo Musyoka, Ford Kenya leader Moses Wetangula and ANC's Musalia Mudavadi were absent from NASA's swearing-in event which saw Miguna Miguna and Ruaraka MP TJ Kajwang administer the oath to Raila.The event was confused and done in a hurry as hundreds of supporters cheered. Raila, after displaying his certificate, went ahead to give his first speech and to explain why his deputy Kalonzo and the other two principles were missing."Kalonzo is not here but he is with us. He will be sworn in later because of what happened and later, you will get to know," Raila told the crowd. "I have stood before you with lots of respect for the respect you have shown for coming to this occasion. Today is a historical day and Kenyans have taken a bold step to get themselves out of dictatorship brought by theft of votes," Raila told the jubilant cheering crowd.Kalonzo said that his security detail had been withdrawn by the government moments before the inauguration ceremony under unexplained circumstances, hinting that it might be a reason why he didn't leave for the event."My security detail has been withdrawn. I hope sincerely that our supporters can see what we are going through," Kalonzo told CitizenTV in an interview earlier today.


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