Raila produces evidence claiming that Ruto and Uhuru rigged in these 11 counties to win the elections

NASA leader Raila Odinga on Friday served President Uhuru Kenyatta, the IEBC and its chairman Wafula Chebukati with the presidential election petition.In the 20,000-page lawsuit, NASA claims that in 11 counties, their agents were kicked out of polling stations and replaced with impostors who proceeded to sign blank Form 34As using fake names.Raila is listed as the first petitioner and Kalonzo the second.The IEBC is the first respondent, Chebukati and Uhuru are the second and third respondents, respectively.Below is the list of some of the counties where NASA claims Uhuru was awarded extra votes as the Form 34As from these places and the IEBC’s final tally did not match up:1. Nairobi – 62 constituencies allegedly affected.2. Mombasa3. Meru4. Kwale5. Machakos6. Kitui7. Nakuru8. Wajir and West Pokot counties- NASA claims their agents were kicked out and replaced by impostors9. NASA’s further evidence shows that in Kirinyaga’s Ndia constituency, Form 34As and 34 Bs results did not match. 


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