A Shocking Reason Why Republicans Want Illinois State Senator Kyle To Be US Ambassador To Kenya

A Metro East-based Illinois legislator and long-time promoter of humanitarian efforts in Kenya is being touted by the state's Republican congressional delegation as a potential ambassador to that East African nation.State Sen. Kyle McCarter, R-Lebanon, known for his outspoken Tea Party conservatism (and also for an unusual dust-up on the Illinois Senate floor with a Democratic colleague a few years back), “would be an exemplary choice for the United States Ambassador to Kenya,” says a letter last week to President Donald Trump signed by all seven of Illinois' Republican U.S. House members.Republican members of the Illinois Congressional Delegation delivered the letter to the White House on Thursday recommending him for the post.The letter cites McCarter’s history of working in Kenya, including founding the Each One Feed One charity that is based in Tharaka Nithi.In the same letter, the Republican members curiously mention his experience in “negotiating with tribal chiefs”. I’m honored and humbled to have the unanimous recommendation of our Republican Congressional Delegation to serve the United States of America in this new role.” Senator McCarter said. “Our country has a long friendship with Kenya that began soon after the country won its independence in late 1963, and my family’s personal friendship goes back over 30 years. If President Trump selects me for this role, I would be honored to serve,”Senator McCarter says this new role would be a good fit for him due to his background and history with the country. Sen. McCarter is the International Director of Each One Feed One, an international charity that provides care and education to Kenyans."I'm not looking to be given anything, I'm looking to be sent to work and to work hard. I do that every where I'm at. Whether it was in county government or state government here in the Senate. I'm going to work hard. And it's a lot easier to work hard and serve people that you love and Kenya fits that." he said.It is an idea that has Senator McCarter excited for the possibilities and the chance to live in Kenya with his wife, Victoria."It may not be one of those places that you think of a political appointment, that's going to a real cushy place, but for me, and my family, my wife Victoria and I, we couldn't think of a better place." he said. "This is an opportunity for me to use the understanding of that country and the people, and at the same time promote the United States, and our generosity. And to bring accountability to the funds that we share with others."In order to get appointed to the position, President Trump must approve the nomination, and then a confirmation is required by the Senate.


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