They should stop!! Why are Kenyan churches in the U.S using vernacular languages 

Kenya is still struggling to fight off ethnic barriers that have divided the country for years and in most cases, triggered misunderstandings that have proved catastrophic.It seems the problem is slowing finding it's way to the Diaspora now.Several Kenyans in the U.S have posted complains of how they have found themselves in churches preaching in vernacular, a thing that brought them discomfort."Every time I go to a Kenyan church in the United States and the whole service is run using a single vernacular language while there is obviously a number of people who can’t understand a thing, I tend to wonder when our churches will stop being tribal outfits," said Lemuel Mwangi who lives in Mercer Island, Washington."We can’t exclude the minority by the ballot and call that tribalism then exclude the same minorities by vernacular services and say that we aren’t tribalism. I understand the a majority congregants may be from a single tribe, but is it within the rights of the majority to just ignore the plight of the minority? If you go to such a church, please encourage your fellow congregants to stop “Godly tribalism”!"In 2012, MPs banned speaking of vernacular in public offices, a thing that was not well received. Apart from public offices, it was also a problem in some private institutions as well.In the U.S, it's now slowly becoming a huge problem as more and more Kenyans align themselves according to their tribe.Luhyas, Kisii and Kikuyus have been put on spot as the main culprits for using their language in some of these churches."There will be a mixture of different tribes in the church but only one or two tribes will feel the need to impose their language on other people," said Maggie Marikah."Despite the Church having a specific Kikuyu service, the English & Kiswahili service will be turned into a tribal hot mess. You will be in a prayer group of people of different tribes. But it will always be one tribe (Kikuyu) that assumes everyone in the prayer group understands Kikuyu and the language must be imposed on others. Pray in it and assume non speakers will get divine interpretation. "It is selfish behavior. Do not get me started on the toxic pro one political candidate bigotry clothed in religious tones and the demonization of the other candidates. Not to mention fake prophecies from self serving people. It is worse when this is done by Dr. Dr. Dr. PHD squared. When it comes to the Church and Tribalism, it should be condoned off as a crime scene alongside the vernacular Radio stations like Kameme FM where tribalism is not only thriving but growing in leaps and bounds. I spoke about my specific experiences. So do not ask why I named one tribe. They are the repeat blatant offenders in my experience. Wanajijua... I have addressed this with them, so sio siri. Sigh."Others offered suggestions on how to deal with the situation."For you guys who feel its wrong, why can't you ask the church to make you interpretors? when people speak tongues nobody knows what the heck one is talking about, point is we sing in church luo vernacular gospel songs, kambas , kalenjins or mijikenda, I feel that's no big issue coz God is one, we only feel different and act differently against will of God, perhaps you learn to speak other languages like I do in vernacular beyond my own!! stop cursing the church and the preachers!" said De JontehIn our continuing search for identity, we need to settle the question of the philosophy that defines our nationhood not just as Kenyans, but also as Africans. We need to search and find that symbol of nationhood that will inspire us to create a just, peaceful society we all desire to live in.


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