Surprising number of governors who have gone to court to contest results after losing

Out of the 47 governors who won in the General elections, at least 11 will be expected to appear in court as their competitors have file lawsuits contesting their wins.They cited irregularities during the voting and tallying of votes.They include Nairobi Governor Evans Kidero (ODM) who lost to JP’s Mike Sonko, Meru’s Peter Munya (PNU) who lost to JP’s Kiraitu Murungi, Taita Taveta’s John Mruttu (ODM) who lost to Wiper’s Granton Samboja and Kajiado’s David Nkedianye (ODM) who lost to JP’s Joseph ole Lenku.Nyamira’s Walter Nyambati (JP), who was defeated by incumbent John Nyagarama (ODM) and Turkana Senator John Munyes (JP), who failed to defeat incumbent Josphat Nanok (ODM).Others are Kisii Senator Chris Obure (JP), who was defeated by incumbent James Ongwae (ODM), and Kakai Bisau (JP) who was beaten by Trans Nzoia Governor Patrick Khaemba of Ford Kenya.Also, Embu Maendeleo Chap Chap governor candidate Lenny Kivuti didn't concede defeat and already filed a petition under a certificate of urgency to stop the IEBC from gazetting incumbent Martin Wambora as the winner.Wiper candidate Wavinya Ndeti is also expected to challenge Alfred Mutua's win.


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