Meet Asha Sigei, First Kenyan Woman to Serve as a Chief Pathologist in North Carolina

By Mukurima X.

Leaving your motherland and coming to America is an immense undertaking for those who are in pursuit of the American Dream.

Asha Sigei made her dream a reality and in turn has made Kenyans around the world very proud. Recently, she has been duly appointed as the Chief Pathologist and Medical Director for the Iredell Memorial Laboratory in North Carolina, the first Kenyan to serve in that capacity in the state.

When faced with the uncertainty of success in a foreign country, Sigei’s quest to complete her medical residency in the America was especially challenging. There is an understanding in the medical community of the long and arduous process involved in becoming a doctor, and although it took her almost 4 years to get through admissions, she excelled in her residency training.

As noted, her chosen field is  pathology - a very diverse field with multiple sub-specialties. In describing her career, she is convinced  that most people believe pathology is about conducting post-mortem autopsies. She further explained that pathology is a diagnostic science with two main objectives: making the diagnosis of cancer and collaborating with other specialties in staging cancer. Her specialty lies in making the diagnosis of cancer of the blood (hematopathology). 

Growing up in the Kericho, Nyagacho/ Motobo area as the fifth child out of seven, Sigei knew the needs of a large family, and the sacrifices that had to be made. After her mother’s passing, she watched her dad struggle to put her and her siblings through school.  She remarked, 

“I was only in Standard 6, but a part of me really wanted to help my dad out. I only had education. It was my only way out, so I decided to give it my best shot.”

Her Kenyan education consisted of Motobo Primary School and  Kipsigis Girls High School. During these early years, Sigei was asked the age-old question of what she wanted to be when she grew up. Not surprisingly, her answer was, 

“a doctor.” 

She enjoyed her studies in high school and excelled in math and physics. A turning point for her was when she witnessed a former high school roommate receive her KCSE test results. She had received an “A-” which shocked Sigei. She couldn’t believe that someone in that school could actually get an “A!

In her early college years, she considered becoming an electrical engineer, however, her father somehow talked her into studying medicine.

“I told him I would try it out for a month, and if I didn't like it, then I would switch to engineering school. Four weeks after admission, I called my dad and told him I think I would be ok doing medicine,” Sigei recalled.  After graduating from the School of Medicine, she made her way to Kericho District Hospital where she completed one year of her  internship and subsequently practiced one and a half years there as a general practitioner.

Sigei is also very proud of the many Kenyans who have  successfully started careers in America, thus giving  her the confidence to do the same. She understands that many immigrants come here in order to provide for their families which may require them to choose the most available job. 

Sigei stated,        

“Moving from Kenya to the US is a big change, and I respect anyone who settled here in whichever profession they managed to get into. That might mean changing professions or trying to re-establish oneself in the same profession.”

In order to be as successful as possible, she says she had to lean on the community of previous Kenyan medical school graduates who successfully transitioned to practicing medicine here. She believes that it helps when someone holds your hands and guides you through the doors in which they have already opened.

Not only has she had success at the workplace, but also at home. She is married to “the handsome” Denis Rono, and they have two children. In order to balance all of her responsibilities, her advice is to focus on one day at a time. She has learned how to ask and receive help. “It’s been a community effort,” Sigei said. She refers to her daughter and son as her daily inspirations, and says that they spur her on to be a better individual.

When asked to compare the Kenyan medical community to the US medical community, Sigei said that having health insurance and quick access to specialty care is a plus in America. In Kenya, she feels that one can access high levels of care, but that most of the time it is only for those who have money, good health insurance, and a good health network. She was candid:

“In Kenya We have almost all the sub-specialties in Kenya. The main issue has always been available access by common “mwananchi” to all the needed medical services”

Sigei believes that Kenyan doctors should definitely receive more money.

Outside of work and spending time with her family, she enjoys audio books. Currently, she is listening to The Simple Path to Wealth, by JL Collins. However, her favorite book, which she intends to listen to again, is: The Gifts of Imperfection,  by Brene Brown.

Sigei discussed her favorite moments in life, American life, and her relationship with her father. The moments that stand out the most to her include the day she held her kids in her arms, her wedding day, her graduation days, and even simple days where everything is peaceful. She believes in not taking anything for granted - especially the health of family and close friends.

In contrast, she is at her lowest when a family member is ill. To keep up with those who are important to her, she uses social networks such as WhatsApp groups and Facebook groups.  KWITU (Kenyan Women in the USA) has been a very good resource for her.

In looking toward her future, she is very thankful that she doesn’t have any more years in school. So far she hasn’t gotten used to the idea of “cheese” in the American diet, and when discussing her father, Sigei can’t help but be sentimental. He has been her life’s inspiration. She remembers how he drove a taxi to support her and her siblings when their mother died. Eventually, he had to sell his car in order to pay for the children’s school fees. He never remarried, but has dedicated his life to all of his children. Recently, he called to congratulate Sigei on her appointment, and she said that she “cried a bucket!”

Lastly, it is important to note that no one achieves success without having a few super powers tucked away. Sigei believes that her success is a byproduct of her ability to organize and plan. She is also humble,  a good listener, and supportive of her close friends. Persistence is her mantra. As a female, she is an example to the many young Kenyan girls who dream of one day becoming a doctor in America. That dream can be a reality -  just ask super hero Asha Sigei!

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