Isn't this the best Advice Uhuru has received after winning a second term?

Financial analyst and adviser  has penned a letter advising President Uhuru Kenyatta on a few problems he should tackle now that he's back in office.The advice has gone viral and received hundreds of shares on Facebook already. Read the letter belowPROBLEMS1. Winning 2nd term will be easier than tackling the looming economic storm

2. All the debt your government piled up in 1st term would need servicing in your 2nd term3. Credit crunch, drought & slower economic growth will make it difficult to pay the bills4. If Raila fails to concede, that storm will hit earlier than we expect5. Big Jubilee win means more people will want to eat meat & less will meza mate. Fiscal consolidation out of the window and a bigger government is likelySOLUTIONS1. Ignore the campaign pledges immediately. No new projects. Reasses current wants. Last time Kingee'ro looked at these projects, we found that at the current unsustainable investment level of 6 percent of GDP, it will take 8 years to complete the current projects before even starting new ones. That was in December 20152. Repeal interest rate caps & let credit start to flow to the real economy3. Put an economic council in place. NESC aka National Economic & Social Council served Kibaki well. Relying on your YES YES technocrats & not having the view points from outside of government is a bad thing to do4. Heal the nation & sit down with Raila. You can't tackle economic storms in turbulent political environment. Yes, you are in government & you have all the necessary power to deal with dissent but it will stop you from watching the storm5. Deal with corruption ruthlessly. Hey, you will not be seeking re election remember? Stop leakages. It will help you pay the bills6. Please don't expand the already big government just because you want to accommodate the new, hungry & excited Jubilee folks. Fiscal consolidation it should be7. Take charge personally & actively monitor the situation. This storm is so big you will wonder why you even sought re election if you don't deal with it8. Good luck & congratulations for your re election

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