Issac Mwaura repaid by Uhuru and Ruto after burning Ksh 29 million on Jubilee seat and losing

Isaac Mwaura was nominated by Raila Odinga to represent the ODM Party to push for issues surrounding people living with disabilities in Parliament, by the virtue that he is one of them.That was after the 2013 elections, but come 2017 elections, he went for the Ruiru MP seat but lost to Simon King'ara in turn burning KSh 29 million in his campaign.President Uhuru Kenyatta nominated the 35-year-old to the Senate, which he (Isaac) says is a record considering no other person has been nominated to Parliament twice by two rivaling parties.In a long letter , he thanked the president and his deputy for the nominations.“Thanks a lot H.E President Uhuru Kenyatta and Deputy President William Ruto and our Jubilee Party for my nomination to the Senate of the republic of Kenya. I will faithfully serve persons with disabilities and indeed all Kenyans faithfully without fear or favour. I truly thank GOD almighty. He trully doesn’t disappoint his own. For his promises are yeah and amen!!” the legislator said on Facebook.“Our GOD is faithful and HE plans all in HIS time. How do you explain this…On 25th August last year and after lots of prayers, I gathered courage and respectively went to my then party leader Raila Odinga, told him thank you for nominating me and informed him of my decision to join the Jubilee Party under President Kenyatta. Later on, I was vilified, called names, expelled from ODM party while others were spared….and I was insulted greatly including using the condition of albinism.I went ahead to vie for Ruiru parliamentary seat, sufferred political violence and eventually lost the election. Some people thought that I was down and out. Others even celebrated!!!Mukami and I even lost two of our triplets (a boy and a girl) and we were left with only one son and a hospital bill of 11.2 million to clear. It was really tough but we kept the faith.Exactly a year later on 25th August 2017, President Uhuru Kenyatta has nominated me to the Senate under the Jubilee Party via a Kenya gazzette notice.The impossible has happened in the history of Kenya. That in one election 2013, one is nominated by Raila Odinga via ODM in the National Assembly and inthe next election 2017, the same person is nominated by President Uhuru Kenyatta under a different party, Jubilee inthe Senate.This is the making of the LORD and HE looks at us deeply. HE and only HE knows the intentions of our hearts. HE makes a way where there seems to be no way. HE lifts and exalts HIS own and HIS word shall surely come to pass.For in His TIME, HE makes all things beautiful.How else would you explain this coincidence? There is a GOD in heaven and I know He never lets down his own.Lets learn to trust and believe in HIM and never ever give up even when there is evidence to the contrary. HE gives favour to whom He so desires for HIS promises are yeah and amen!!Thanks to all those who have believed in me and who have prayed for and with me#PrayersWorkSen Dr. Mwaura Maigua Isaac CBS MP.25th August 2017Nairobi Kenya.”  


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Photos of the young lady rumoured to be having a secret affair with Raila Odinga