Photos of the young lady rumoured to be having a secret affair with Raila Odinga

According to controversial blogger Robert Alai Onyango, NASA leader Raila Odinga is having an affair with 24-year-old Mercy Chebeni.Mercy Chebeni has been the talk of social media after she was recently nominated as a Senator by ODM becoming the youngest person to achieve the millstone.According to the blogger, Chebeni got a direct nomination from Odinga because of the affair.Other sources also claim Miguna Miguna also hinted of the affair in his book 'Peeling back the mask' which attacks Raila Odinga."As the party progressed, I noticed an uninvited visitor; a female who looked Rwandese. When the party ended, at about 2am, I made sure that our visitors were taken to their hotel. However, after I had dropped them at the hotel, Ben called to ask if the Rwandese should be given a ride to the hotel as she was claiming to be ‘Jakom’s guest’. I told Ben to leave the lady behind as Jakom hadn’t told us about her."Ben did that, but on his way to the hotel, he received a call from Raila, confirming that indeed, the lady was his ‘guest’. Ben headed back but found that the lady had already taken a taxi. Next morning at 8.30am, I met the lady leaving Raila’s room.” Says Miguna in his book.Neither Odinga nor Chebeni has responded to the allegations yet though ODM earlier released a statement saying all the candidates are qualified for the post including her.“I called our ODM Executive Director Oduor Ongwen late in the night, we tried calling many people from the list of our applicants to get their details past midnight but it was in vain. Ms Chebeni and a handful of others picked their phones and furnished us with their details," explained ODM National Deputy Treasurer Ogla Karani who was the chairperson of the party's nominations committee. "She was not the party's favourite and was even number two on the list. She was lucky because IEBC had to alternate as they had chosen a man to represent Jubilee in the youth category", added the ODM official, who stressed that the nominee is not related to her in any way. 


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