Magufuli's fierce critic shot, in critical condition

Tanzania’a Opposition leader, Tundu Lissu, has been shot and critically wounded by unknown assailants.Lissu, who is one of President John Pombe Magufuli’s fiercest critic was shot on the abdomen and rushed to hospital where he underwent emergency surgery.Police have launched a manhunt for Lissu's attackers, said Gilles Muroto, the Dodoma police commander. He said more than one gunman occupied the vehicle from which the shots were fired.Lissu, who also leads Tanzania's lawyers' association, had appeared in the national assemblyearlier Thursday and apparently was being driven home when the attack occurred.On Twitter, Tanzania's president said he was saddened by the shooting and said he was praying for Lissu's rapid recovery. The ruling party, Chama Cha Mapinduzi, condemned the "brutal and unnecessary incident."Tundu Lissu is a prominent lawyer for the opposition Chadema as well as an MP and the president of the Tanganyika Law Society (TLS).He has become the favorite detainee of the police, regularly brought in on a string of charges, ranging from "insulting the president" to uttering seditious statements.Various media outlets including the East African and Aljazeera report that the Opposition party CHADEMA Chief Whip was accosted by the criminals near his home and shot several times on Thursday, September 7.“Lissu has suffered multiple gunshot wounds. We strongly condemn this attack and are closely monitoring his condition,” CHADEMA spokesman Tumaini Makene is quoted by AlJazeera.  


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