Obama's village in Kogelo tumbling, Donations cut, no one is visiting since Trump became president

Barack Obama’s ancestral village in Kogelo is currently facing dark days since he left the White House.According to reports, since his exist, the number of tourists visiting the place has plummet, donations are no longer trickling in and other benefits they enjoyed from him being the president are not longer there.Elders recently gathered at the local chief's camp to discuss how to handle the rapid changes before further damage is inflicted on the community."We didn’t imagine life will be this bad without Obama,” said Willys Otieno, 45, a village. “The white people have left the village with their money. There are no more tourists coming here, and we (still) have to pay bills for everything.”

Students have dropped out of local private schools because they’ve lost scholarships funded by the Mama Sarah Obama Foundation, the Barack H. Obama Foundation and the Barack Obama Secondary School and Primary School.

A few donor-funded health clinics in the region have shut down because of a lack of funding.

“Life changed early this year when Obama retired," said Grace Anyango, 16, a student who has depended on a scholarship to attend the Obama Secondary School. "I have been out of school for lack of fees. My friends have also dropped out.”

Obama's office has stayed silent on the matter even after being approached.Sarah Obama, step-grandmother to then-President Barack Obama, has complained severally about the deteriorating conditions of the schools.According to Obama's cousin, Nicholas Rajula who is also the family spokesman and owns a resort in the village, Obama's departure from the White House has really affected his family and village."Life is completely different here since Obama left office,” Rajula said. “It has really affected my business, because there are no international guests coming to the village.Eearly this year, Sarah Obama asked President Uhuru Kenyatta to lay a foundation stone for the construction of Barack Obama University College in Kogelo village, Siaya county, before the election."The university will serve all Kenyans regardless of their political, social and tribal inclinations,” she said.


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