Politics divides Diasporas again! Kenyans abroad disagree over Raila's swearing-in 

Kenyans living abroad have been left divided yet again by politics as the swearing-in of NASA principals Raila Odinga and Kalonzo Musyoka looms.As expected, the NASA supporters hailed the move while Jubilee supporters on the hand said Raila should cancel his move of taking oath on Tuesday.“The Kenyan community in Diaspora that demands real democracy in Kenya supports the creation of People’s Assemblies and the swearing-in of Raila Odinga who won the August 8, 2017 election. These moves will take power from corrupt cartels and place it into the people’s hands where it constitutionally belongs,” A statement issued by Nasa USA Diaspora Team said.Jubilee supporters in the Diaspora saw it as a way to bring chaos in the country and wanted it stopped."This clearly is a calculated move by the opposition coalition Nasa to cause chaos in the country and neither the government nor Kenyans of good will should allow it to take place. This is the reason why many of us in Diaspora oppose it and want to distance ourselves from it," they said in a statement.“As Kenyans from all the 51 US states, we wish to categorically affirm that we subscribe to the rule of law. NRM is proscribed under Kenyan laws. All its concepts and ideologies, which espouse rising up against a constitutionally established government are in contravention of the laws of Kenya,” the statement signed by Eng. John Kamau of Phoenix, Az. Said.NASA supporters Barack Wekulo, Ben Kipng’etich, Salim Mngolia and Dan Ogindo, in the statement, added that Raila won the elections but "Jubilee cartels" changed the results.“We also believe in an open, inclusive, transformational and people-driven political dialogue that will ensure every vote counts.“We are aware that the people voted for Raila Amollo Odinga to be president on August 8, 2017, but the corrupt cartels under Jubilee through the IEBC manipulated and altered the results to show otherwise,” they said.Jubilee also stated that a national dialog might help the country."No one should coerce Kenyans to disaffiliate constitutional order to reward a bully. This happened in 2007, when the international community erroneously coerced Kenyans to create an unconstitutional post of Prime Minister to reward leaders of Genocide,” the Jubilee statement said.Politics divided Kenyans living abroad in 2017 more than any other year. While Diasporas have always seen themselves, politics is slowly changing that creating hate among themselves. 


Yet another Kenyan in the U.S arrested because of crime 


Kenyans in Diaspora need to style up and stop avoiding friends when they land home