Trump’s administration asks Raila to move on

Pressure continues to mount on Raila Odinga to concede defeat or go to court after losing in the just concluded elections.The American government has also piled pressure on Raila to seek legal redress.While sending a congratulatory message to Uhuru Kenyatta, Donald Trump’s administration asked Raila that he should call off the protests that have seen bloodshed in the country.Through their official verified Twitter page, the White House congratulated Uhuru and in the same breath, called from an end to violence; advising people to resolve disputes through legal channels.The plea comes at a time when Raila Odinga is expected to make a major announcement today based on his next move after losing in the polls.He has already announced that he will never participate in another presidential race.Countries have already congratulated Uhuru for the win.Following IEBC boss Wafula Chebukati’s declaration of Uhuru as president, demonstrations broke out in a number of opposition strongholds including Nairobi, Kisumu, Siaya and Migori counties. 


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